9 Quotes & Sayings By Rachel Thompson

Rachel Thompson is the author of two books. The first is Fragile: A Year of Rethinking Faith, an investigative journey for which she spent a year pondering the meaning and purpose of her faith. She is also the author of The War on Christmas, about the modern war over religion and the spirit of the season. Thompson is a contributing editor at Christianity Today and a senior fellow at Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, which explores the relationship between science and religion.

Silence is one of worst, most vocal enemies, yet people go through many bouts of depression not sharing what is happening. People don’t understand that, but as someone who suffers from it, I can tell you that it’s difficult to be objective about the gray. I described depression to my therapist as a misty fog that surrounds me, heavy on my shoulders, pervading everything and nothing at all. I liken depression to a bird stealing into the depths of your soul, pecking at your disposition until nothing is left. And that is when you break into pieces. Rachel Thompson
I gave my heart to a man who loved me, who wanted to be with me. Who ultimately was afraid of all I offered. I didn’t understand why he sabotaged our future at the time — cheating on me, again, as we were making final plans to move in together. By the time he came over to smooth talk his way out of it, I was done. No more crying. Even my tears had given up on him. I’d already moved on, his cheating was simply the key left in the mailbox. . Rachel Thompson
Writers are always alone, even in a room bursting with noises of the familiar. Rachel Thompson
In a surreal gift from the universe, time both stands still and flies past you in that singular moment when you find out someone you once loved is gone. Rachel Thompson
She wondered If I had woken up, would I have smelled his sadness, his desperation, and his detachment? His death, her breath. He told her once, she remembers, these two words have no other rhyme but each other. If she could go back, she thinks -- She would open her eyes, instead of her heart. Rachel Thompson
This is a book about fracture. About the experiences that make up a life. About the pieces of me. Delving into naked emotion is a terrifying proposition. Digging into our souls to look for answers that may not be there is a ledge most of us avoid. And yet, here I am. Rachel Thompson
Women have rooms inside of us men cannot fathom. It’s where we store the depths of the hurt we’ve been dealt. Where we store the deep love we never want to lose. Rachel Thompson
My world, created by glass and flame in the birth of your heat, implodes inside the shadowed walls of my heart. I swallowed the shards you gave me, your eyes on mine. Nothing is easy. I wait, feeling your hands holding the shattered pieces of my soul together in the molten, darkest recesses of the heart you claimed, unwilling to give up. I am inside you, waiting to come out. Rachel Thompson